Tag Archives: World

Millions of bees die after South Carolina sprays pesticide to curb Zika


This is the ultimate buzzkill.

In an effort to stop the spread of Zika before it starts, parts of South Carolina were doused from the air on Sunday morning with a common insecticide called Naled, the Washington Post reported. After the early morning spray, local beekeepers arrived at work to a startling sound: overwhelming silence.

By one estimate, Flowertown Bee Farm and Supplies lost 46 hives in the death spray, or about 2.5 million bees, local NBC affiliate WCBD-TV reported. Beekeepers were devastated by the loss.

“I was angry that day, I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that we spray poison from the sky,” bee owner Andrew Macke told WCBD-TV.

Mosquitoes from Miami Beach test positive for Zika virus

A honey bee queen, center, mills about a honeycomb as it's hive receives routine maintenance as part of a collaboration between the Cincinnati Zoo and TwoHoneys Bee Co., Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at EcOhio Farm in Mason, Ohio. A federal rule to be proposed Thursday, May 28, would create temporary pesticide-free zones when certain plants are in bloom around bees that are trucked from farm to farm by professional beekeepers, which are the majority of honeybees in the U.S. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

A honey bee queen, center, mills about a honeycomb as it’s hive receives routine maintenance as part of a collaboration between the Cincinnati Zoo and TwoHoneys Bee Co., Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at EcOhio Farm in Mason, Ohio. A federal rule to be proposed Thursday, May 28, would create temporary pesticide-free zones when certain plants are in bloom around bees that are trucked from farm to farm by professional beekeepers, which are the majority of honeybees in the U.S. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)


And not all of the bees died after the spray.

“As you can see, a few that are alive are trying to help and save and clean up the ones that are dead,” one beekeeper from Flowertown Bee Farm said in a morose Facebook video, her voice full of emotion.

South Carolina currently has 46 travel-related cases of Zika in the state,according to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, one of which was sexually transmitted.

As of now, there are no reports of Zika from local mosquito bites, but Dorchester County took the extra step to spray from the air on Sunday — and the deviation from the county’s usual ground-based efforts in curbing the pesky insects is where the problem began, bee owners say.

“Had I known, I would have been camping on the steps doing whatever I had to do screaming, ‘No you can’t do this,'” Juanita Stanley told Charleston’s WCSC-TV.

The county acknowledged to the New York Times that a county worker had not followed proper protocol for the pesticide spraying — he didn’t call every registered beekeeper.

“He made a mistake in terms of going down his list and failed to call,” Jason L. Ward told the New York Times.

Even still, some bee owners are hoping that this can be a learning experience for people.

“If we turn this into a teachable moment, how important bees are to the environment and how unhealthy it is to aerial spray a pesticide,” Macke told WCBD-TV.

Credits: Daily News


Powerful Images Demonstrate That by Destroying Nature, We Are Destroying Life Itself

Art is often used as a means to raise awareness of the acute problems humanity faces today. Environmental issues, being one of the most significant of them, inspire illustrators and graphic designers all over the world to address these matters in their artwork. From drawings that show the damage the human race has done to each sphere of Earth to the illustrations that reveal a true face of war, all these stunning pieces of art serve the same purpose – to expose the absurdity of what’s happening in the world today and to encourage people to be the change.

Today, we are featuring a series of thought-provoking images titled “Destroying Nature is Destroying Life.” This awareness campaign was created by designer Surachai Puthikulangkura and agency Grabarz & Partner for German environmental activist group Robin Wood.

The title of the campaign speaks for itself, and the pictures convey a powerful message: if humans continue to destroy Earth’s natural habitats, constantly exhausting their resources, life on the planet, including our own species, will eventually be wiped out.

To demonstrate the detrimental effects of human activity on the natural world, the images depict three different landscapes that have undergone most of the damage. Each of those is represented by an animal that comes from the respective habitat.

Thus, in the pictures below, you can see the icy landscape of the Arctic with melting glaciers, which is caused by the climate change. Factors like greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation make average atmospheric temperatures constantly increase. As a result, polar bears and other Arctic animals are being threatened.



The effects of deforestation



The catastrophic consequences of fires, associated with human activity, on tropical rainforests



There is real scientific evidence behind the striking images of this awareness campaign, as a recent study concluded that our planet is now entering the sixth mass extinction. It is estimated that due to the human impact on the natural environment, the vertebrate species are now disappearing up to 100 times faster than the normal. At the same time, the loss of habitat, caused by human industrial activities, has, in fact, lead to the extinction of 52% of wildlife in the world. It seems that we humans have reached the point where the deadly consequences of our actions are no longer reversible.

These powerful images demonstrate that we are the reason for all the problems that plague our planet today. Yet, they also remind us that we are the only ones who can do something about it and save life on Earth while it’s still possible.

Credits: TheMindUnleashed

20 Chilling Photos that will Force You to Look at the Darker Side of Our Society

Igor Morski, a Polish graphic designer, illustrator and set designer, is a well-known artist for exploring the not so subtle horrors of modern society through his controversial illustrations. In the below thought-provoking photo series System Failure, he makes you think: Is the earth a scary place, or have we become too dangerous for the planet? Is the technology bringing us closer or have we become too ‘smart’; addictive and therefore distinct from each other? Are we actually living our dreams, or are we killing ourselves trying to meet other people’s expectations? Are we succumbing to outer beauty and fads than our inner calling and beliefs? Are we emotionally connected, or are today’s relationships a lie? Are we being humans, or busy being demons…?

Bored Panda observes:

“They might make you uncomfortable, or create that funny feeling in the pit of your stomach, but I would argue that this is probably a good thing, that it suggests the images resonate on a deeper level. Art is supposed to evoke something within us. Morski’s creative expression outlines concepts and ideas in our modern society that perhaps we are not privy to because we’re just ‘so in it’.”

The beauty of these photos is that they are open for interpretation. You can interpret them the way you want, and they will reflect your truth. Here’s our interpretation…


Human body or a junkyard?


What you are addicted to, kills you in the end.


When the society decides what SHOULD you be when you grow up… and imprisons your body, mind and soul


Being a girl in a boy’s world


Puppets of our own choices


We are the environment: we can either preserve it or destroy it… the power is within us


The concrete jungle we call our home: unattractive, harsh, grey and unsafe.


Prisoner of our thoughts


When emotions die and technology takes over


We have far too much control over the world – and we don’t quite know what to do with it.


It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, world… and it needs to cool down


How technology permeates, and invades…


Becoming one with nature


Women are not equal to men; they are superior. But does it count?


We are made of earth. When we die we will return to the earth. But, in the meantime, life is a beautiful dance.


Time moves faster… we can’t outdo it


An incredibly confused brain… working 24/7, yet going nowhere


Throwing her days away thinking one day she will throw her weight away… [ Currently, 80% of women in the US are dissatisfied with their appearance].


Who is burning who?


When families fake and break…children suffer

Credits: anonhq.com