
2020… The year, everything changed

2020… The year, everything changed, for the worst. When we celebrated 2020, we all thought that it would be a better year than the previous one. We never would expect what happened after that. We came close to a third world war at the beginning of the year but it […]

How to earn shortening urls?

Hello, if you are here it’s probably because you want to know how to earn money shortening urls… Anyone can do this but there’s some stuff you need to know before joining any random company. First: Don’t necessarely aim for the biggest payments! Some company will offer high returns for […]

Pacte d’immigration: un danger pour le Canada !

Le premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau, semble-t-il, adhère au principe du globalisme selon lequel le monde est sans frontières et l’idée des États-nations souverains est à la fois réactionnaire et obsolète. Dans ce monde sans frontières, l’organe directeur est l’Organisation des Nations Unies et ses agences, non élues, non transparentes, […]